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Euroemme EM50 50″ Exhaust Fan

(1 customer review)


3-5 Day Lead Time

SKU: 86-EF50 Category:

The Euroemme EM50 50″ Exhaust Fan is one of the most well known box fans designed and produced by Munters, since the 1980s has delivered excellent performance in greenhouse applications.

The Euroemme EM50 Exhaust Fan is the ideal exhaust fan when extra high airflow capacity is required, even in high static pressure environments, thanks to their unique propeller shape that ensures full efficiency and reliability.

Munters EM Series features the housing, conveyor and shutters made in Munters Protect coated steel for extra strength and resistance against corrosion. Central hub and v-belt pulley are made of die-cast aluminum with reinforced ribs for long-lasting use.

The belt drive system enables low speed propeller, which results in reduced energy consumption and noise level, assuring a comfortable greenhouse environment for operators.

The patented centrifugal system provides an energy efficient solution and powerful springs keep shutters tightly closed when the fan is not turned on, avoided air leakage and blocking light.

This 50″ exhaust fan undergoes strict quality control and performances are validated by tests carried out in BESS Lab at the Agricultural Engineering Department of University of Illinois.

As market leader in ventilation solutions for more than 60 years, Munters guarantees quality and is ISO 9001 certified.


  • Superior durability with Munters Protect coating
  • 3 year warranty against corrosion
  • Reliable, proven in the market for 40 years
  • Light and air draft reduction, when shutter is closed
  • Energy efficient solution
  • Suited for Tunnel Ventilation


Reviews (1)

1 review for Euroemme EM50 50″ Exhaust Fan

  1. works hydro-farms

    Would like to give an excellent review on 10- EM50 fans if I can get the parts I need for shutter opener even with pictures that look like new fans with only changing most belts after 20 years of 12 hr average use a day. Not 1 failure and blades look bran new.

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